NOW is the Critical Time to Start Saving Water
Sep 09, 2009Water is a precious resource that is needed by virtually everything on the planet, from humans to plant life. It is needed to make some machinery run properly, to run industries, and to provide electrical power generation for some cities. It is a slowly dwindling resource that needs to be conserved in every way possible.
Water and energy go hand-in-hand when talking about resources. It takes energy to heat water, to process it and to bring it to your home. The “Watergy” report on the Alliance to Save Energy website provides excellent information about the water crisis of today.
How does this affect you? Everyone needs to conserve water and change their usage habits to make a positive impact on using less energy to make the earth a healthier place for everyone who inhabits it.
Here is some water saving tips from the Alliance to Save Energy’s website:
- Need to replace your washer? Replace it with an Energy Star qualified model. An Energy Star washer uses about half the energy a 10-year-old model consumes, saving up to $120 a year on combined water and energy bills and use less water – 18 to 25 gallons per load compared to 40.
- Switch to cold water washing. This can save up to $63 per year.
- Looking for a new dishwasher? Again purchase an Energy Star qualified dishwasher. This can save you up to $100 combined water and energy savings over the lifetime of the appliance and uses 25 percent less hot water and energy than non-qualified models.
- Do only full loads of laundry and dishes. Doing less than full loads wastes water and energy.
- Install a high-efficiency water heater. These models can use up to 10 – 50 percent less energy than conventional models. Also insulate the hot water heater and pipes with a blanket and insulation.
- Reduce the amount of water you use in the bathroom with a low-flow shower head, faucet and toilet. Take shorter showers and always skip a bath as it uses way more water than is necessary. Also, check your water heater thermostat. Turn down to 120 degrees to save on water heating cost.
- Fill a used 2-liter bottle. Fill it with water and place in your toilet tank. This can save you about 11 gallons of water per day.
- Do you laundry and dishwashing until later in the day or evening during off-peak energy hours to increase electricity reliability during heat waves.
- Turn off your water when brushing your teeth and save four gallons per minute. Think of other tasks you may do that you can turn of the water, such as shaving.
- Recycle any water that may come your way. Collect rain water in a large barrel from your down spout. Use it to clean your garage floor, water your plants or clean your fish tank. The uses are endless!
Ohio is in desperate need to conserve water. If Ohioans don’t start to watch their water consumption it will hurt everyone in the state. According to Repower Ohio, the water level in Lake Erie is projected to fall by three to six and a half feet in the next 70 years. For each foot the lake drops, commercial ships must forgo 3.240 tons of cargo. The cost of just a two percent drop in shipping activity in the region would be more than $1 billion.
Loss of water means loss of jobs, natural resources and crops and will be expensive to try and replace. Losing the rainfall and water resources would further strain Lake Erie of its resource and be detrimental to all.