Common Home Problems that are Easily Solved
Sep 21, 2009Most homes that you look at today have some type of energy efficiency problems. Whether it is drafty windows and floors, dry or damp air, hot or cold rooms, cold floors or high energy bills; most homes will have something that could be improved upon.
Often times the causes for these problems are an easy and inexpensive fix; sometimes it may be more involved and expensive such as replacing windows or your heating and cooling system. Either way the Energy Star website has a listing of common home problems to be aware of.
HIGH ENERGY BILLS Does it seem to be that your utility bills just never go down? Usually this is due to air leaks in your home’s envelope, inefficiency in your windows and doors or incorrectly installed or inefficient heating and cooling equipment or poor insulation.
MOLD, MILDEW OR MUSTY ODORS Water leaks or high humidity can lead to mold and mildew which is destructive to your home and health. This can also cause wood rot and structural damage.
DAMP BASEMENT Moisture migrating through the foundation is often the cause of a damp basement. As the moisture evaporates is causes moisture in the air which makes humidity and can lead to mold and mildew.
COLD FLOORS IN WINTER Some types of flooring such as tile, stone, wood or concrete will naturally feel cold on your tootsies. However, insufficient insulation or air infiltrations can also cause cold floors.
DRAFTY ROOMS Cold air coming or going out of your house, especially through air leaks hidden in the attic and basement can cause rooms to feel drafty or uncomfortable. Another common source of air leaks is old and inefficient windows and doors.
MOISTURE ON WINDOWS Inefficient windows or high indoor moisture levels from air leaks can result in condensation, frost or pools of water on windows and sills.
DUST If you notice your home is getting dustier quicker, then it’s probably time to change your furnace filters and you should also check the seals on your duct work.
ICE DAMS Icicles are beautiful to look at in the winter, but may also be an indication of a poorly insulated roof. Warm air inside your home leaks into the attic and will warm the underside of the roof causing snow and ice to melt and run off your roof and it will refreeze as it runs off your roof causing icicles to form. Proper insulation in your attic and roof will prevent the warm air from escaping.
HOT OR COLD ROOMS Do you have one room that’s always warm and other rooms that are always cold? Significant differences in temperature from one area of the house to another could be caused by several factors including inadequate insulation, air leakage, poor duct performance, and improperly installed heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.
DRY INDOOR AIR IN WINTER Air leaks in your home allow warm humid air to escape and draw in drier colder air.