When Considering a ‘Green Remodel’
Apr 08, 2009‘Green’ is the way to go amid the flailing economy and environment alike. Both are threatened more right now than they have been recent history. ‘Going green’ means being environmentally conscientious while improving efficiency in the home, saving money and maintaining current comfort levels.
The first step to doing a green remodel is to ask several questions as to why a green remodel would benefit the homeowner in the first place:
- What in the current home do the homeowners not like?
- What do the homeowners love about their home?
- Does the home fit the lifestyle of the homeowner?
- Is there enough space or too much space?
- How energy efficient is the home currently – how warm is it in the winter and how cool is it in the summer?
- Is the homeowner open to alternative energy options?
- Does each room receive sufficient natural light?
- Do all windows have energy efficient windows?
- Is it possible to replace all the windows if needed?
- Are windows in the proper placement for the home to make it the most energy efficient?
- How can landscaping be adjusted or improved to improve the home’s efficiency?
- Are there enough shade trees to keep the house cooler in the summer?
- How much can the homeowner spend on renovations?
- Project how much the renovations will reduce the energy bills.
- Would relocating to a more efficient home be a better choice?
- How long do the homeowners plan to live in the home?
- What eco-benefits will a green remodel have and does that increase the worth of the remodel to the homeowner?
This is a basic list to get started with. As the question and answer process is explored, more options and limitations to what can be done will be discovered. If you are ready and able to move onto the remodel, contact a green remodeling professional or builder who has green know-how.